Thursday, March 9, 2023

Microsoft OneDrive Memories Take Me To Rattlesnakes & Swimming With David, Theo & Ruby

Today is the first day in awhile where I remember the memories, supposedly from this day, that Microsoft's OneDrive sends to my email.

I do remember all these memories did occur in March, but not in the same year. That memory photo at the upper left is from the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup. I think it was in March of 2004 I made my one and only disturbing visit to Sweetwater's Rattlesnake Roundup. 

Below that photo memory from Sweetwater we move ahead a few years, to 2019. This week in March was the last time I have seen the Tacoma Trio of David, Theo and Ruby, and their parental units. 

That would make the two pool photo memories being memories of David, Theo and Ruby in Aunt Jackie's swimming pool. I had myself a mighty fine time that day. It was memorable in multiple ways, including swimming with the kids.

On this computer, if I can find it, there is one photo of me in the pool, tossing David,

It is sort of hard to believe that that March swimming pool incident was four years ago. So much has happened in those four years.

In a couple weeks David is taking his brother and sister, and parental units, to Iceland to see the Northern Lights and Gullfoss Falls, before continuing on to France to go to Paris Disneyland and the Eiffel Tower.

That visit to the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup was the first time I made a video with my then new, and now, long gone, video camcorder. It was a primitive effort, but the video pretty much captures the Rattlesnake Roundup...

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