Monday, March 6, 2023

Hot First Monday Of March At Sikes Lake

On this first Monday of the third month of 2023, it was back to Sikes Lake I ventured to join the throngs enjoying the balmy 80 degree plus temperatures.

Which would make that the Gray Lagoon of Sikes Lake, you see above, looking west from the bridge at the west end of the lake.

It is currently noon on Monday, which is why I am hearing tornado sirens doing their regularly scheduled system check.

Quiet has again returned.

If you have never heard a tornado siren, well, they are loud. Think the loudest siren you have ever heard and double or triple the decibel level.

I have only once heard the tornado sirens go off due to an actual tornado. That was when I lived in far east Fort Worth.

We are currently scheduled to have two days this week with thunderstorms, possibly severe, predicted. Thunderstorms and tornadoes go together. A severe thunderstorm brings with it the conditions that can cause a tornado. 

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