Saturday, March 11, 2023

Fort Worth's Imaginary Iconic Irony

It has been a while since I have seen something in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram which cause an eye rolling reaction.

Can you guess what word in the above headline caused that eye rolling reaction?

If you guessed "iconic" you guessed correctly.

Does no editor at the Star-Telegram know what iconic means? 

I developed a disdain for the Star-Telegram's frequent hyperbolizing soon after first exposure to this newspaper.

Just Googling "iconic" quickly makes clear that an old bottling plant can not possibly be iconic.

There is only one thing in Fort Worth which is remotely iconic, in that you see it, and you know it is Fort Worth.  And that is because the town's name is part of the iconic thing.

What comes up when one Google's "iconic"?


Relating to or of the nature of an icon; regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration.

Synonyms for iconic---archetypal, epochal, exemplary, paradigmatic, quintessential, and recognizable.

What makes something iconic? An iconic design is something recognizable and memorable and comes in many forms such as people, architecture, branding, typography, automobiles, industrial design, cinema, and popular culture.

What is example of iconic? Iconic often describes something or someone that is considered symbolic of something else, like spirituality, virtue, or evil and corruption. The iconic Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom. Michelangelo's iconic statue of David was supposed to represent anatomical perfection.

So, could the Star-Telegram please explain to us why this old Dr Pepper bottling plant is iconic?

When a structure is iconic it is not a mystery why it is iconic.

The Golden Gate Bridge, the White House, the Hollywood sign, the Dallas skyline, the Alamo, the Space Needle, the Eiffel Tower.

Well, you get the gist, there is a long long list of actual iconic entities in the world.

An old Dr Pepper bottling plant in Fort Worth is not one of them....

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