Monday, March 20, 2023

First Day Of Spring Chilly Lucy Park Nature Communing With Balloons

I have done no nature communing the past couple of days. I strained something in my lower back a few days ago, which put me in to take it easy mode, til the strain pain abated.

This morning I decided that doing some nature communing might be salubrious abating the strain pain.

So, it was to Lucy Park I ventured, under multiple layers of outerwear, due to the first day of Spring being chilly, as in the temperature being somewhere in the 40s, with a strong constant wind blowing, making those 40 degrees feel cooler.

I fast walked the Lucy Park backwoods off trail zone today. And came upon the odd thing you see photo documented above. 

Were these balloons filled with helium, which broke away from wherever they were tethered, and then eventually came back to earth when too much helium leaked?

I am fairly certain these are not spy balloons sent by China...

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