Tuesday, March 28, 2023

David, Theo, Ruby, Michele & Kristin Somewhere In Iceland

Email this morning with 8 photos from Iceland, with the only text in the email saying "You'll have to use your sleuthing skills to figure the locations."...

Well, the first photo made it fairly easy to deduce that Theo, Ruby and David are in Iceland, about to exit the airport in, I would hazard to guess, Reykjavik.

Which leads me to guess that the above photo is in Reykjavik.

A church, I think, in, I think, also Reykavik. If not Reykavik, then maybe the biggest town outside the capital region, Akureyri.

Iceland has multiple hot springs, including the most famous one, known as The Blue Lagoon. So, I guess that would be my guess as to this location.

No clue regarding the above, other than it appears that Theo, Ruby and David are walking on thick ice.

Iceland is known for its long haired horses. That may be what we are seeing above.

The oldest known geyser in the world is in Iceland's Haukadalur Valley. That may be what David, Theo and Ruby are looking at.

Are the Tacoma Trio preparing to eat an Icelandic hot dog? Or a flatkaka (dried fish and dark rye bread traditionally baked in the ground) or the Icelandic delicacy known as Puffin? I think I'll stick with it being Icelandic hot dogs.

Theo was gungho to go to Iceland after learning one can often see the Aurora Borealis from that location. The sun is being in solar flare mode at the moment. I hope that means that Theo got to see the Northern Lights. 

After Iceland it is on to France, to Paris and Disneyland. I hope the current unrest and protests in France do not create any problems for David, Theo, Ruby and their parental units...

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