Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Lucy Park Pagoda Mysteriously Reduced To Ashes

On this third Wednesday of the second month of 2023, I returned to Lucy Park for the first time since, I think, last Monday.

I was overheating whilst walking fast, wearing only shorts and a t-shirt. Well, and shoes. A strong wind was blowing, which was not all that cooling, in the almost 80 degree heat.

And then I saw an aggravation which made me even hotter under the currently not existing collar. I don't think the top part of a t-shirt is called a collar. I'm probably wrong about that.

Anyway, the thing that made my blood semi-boil was suddenly coming upon the burned naked Lucy Park Pagoda.

I have not read of this travesty in the local newspaper. Or heard of it on the news. Was the Pagoda struck by lightning? Or did an arson ignite it? It looked to have been a hot fire, burning the flower beds at the base of the Pagoda.

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