Saturday, February 4, 2023

Clear Blue Walk Around Sikes Lake With The Patriotic Pulpit Making Dixie Great Again

Another beautiful clear blue sky day, on the 4th day of the 2nd month of 2023, walking around Sikes Lake.

The temperature a relatively balmy 54, with a gusty wind blowing.

On Saturday's, on the right wing nutjob radio station I listen to, it is the Patriotic Pulpit who does the nutjob duty. A new thing the nutjob right wingers blather is labeling people as being Marxist, or Commies. As if one does not need any additional evidence as to how stupid these types are, I doubt any of them could come remotely close to explaining what Marxism and Communism actually is.

The Patriotic Pulpit is followed by "Let's Make Dixie Great Again". No I am not making that up.

During that show they repeat multiple times an invitation to...

"Join in the fight against the so called liberal progressive, who are really Marxist communists, who are taking away cherished monuments to our history, taking down statues of heroes of the South, like Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and others. It is only a matter of time til they come after other American heroes, like Thomas Jefferson and Francis Scott Key, author of the Star Spangled Banner."

All said in a twangy Southern accent.

I can only take listening to the Patriotic Pulpit for a couple minutes, til I switch to music, or the Saturday NPR show which is always about some aspect of cooking food. Today it was all about the Hawaiian cuisine....

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