Monday, January 2, 2023

Linda Lou's Making Me Homesick

 For at least two years, maybe longer, there has been an ongoing effort by more than one individual attempting to make my homesick for my old home zone of the Pacific Northwest State of Washington.

The most concentrated of these homesick campaign efforts has been a series of vintage postcards featuring Birch Bay.

Yesterday, New Year's Day, the above showed up on my phone, from Mount Vernon's Linda Lou. No text, just a photo of what looks to be a road aiming at Mount Rainier. Yes, it really does look like that.

I have a friend here in Wichita Falls, originally from Dallas, a lifelong Texan. A couple years ago she flew to the west coast for the first time, to Seattle. She had never been to a location before where no matter which direction you looked you see mountains.

And then the friends she was visiting took her their cabin, near Enumclaw, close to Mount Rainier. They arrived at the cabin after dark. The next morning she walked outside and found herself startled by seeing Mount Rainier, so close, looking so big. She described it as mesmerizing.

Above is another Washington mountain scene. This one is the view from Artist's Point by Mount Baker. That is not Mount Baker we see in this view. I think Mount Baker would be to the right.

Artist's Point is near the Mount Baker ski area. In winter I do not think it is possible to get a direct look at Mount Baker from this location. Well, maybe one could cross country ski to the location of the parking lot that opens in summer when the snow has withered away.

Okay, now that I am homesick it is time to go do something else....

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