Monday, January 9, 2023

Birds Of Different Feathers Not Flocking Together At Sikes Lake

It was back to Sikes Lake I ventured the morning of the second Monday of 2023, for a somewhat balmy walk with the flocks of geese, ducks and seagulls.

As you can see via the photo documentation, at Sikes Lake, birds of different feathers do not flock together, but they do flock close to each other. 

The flock of seagulls look like they are almost surrounding whatever the darker feathered birds are. This may be a territorial dispute, with the seagulls trying to intimidate the darker birds into flying somewhere else.

The bridge at the west end of Sikes Lake is still in being repaired mode, so a walk around the lake was not doable today.

The coyote that I came upon at Sikes Lake last Friday, is no longer in residence. Did someone poach the coyote? Or was it moved to another bird scare station?

The temperature is scheduled to get into the 70s by late afternoon, so I see a bike ride in my future today...

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