Thursday, December 8, 2022

Plowing Through Fallen Leaf Blanket In Book Search Before Hearing A Waterfall

This second Thursday of the 2022 version of December it was to the library I ventured to freshen my reading material supply. The blanket of fallen leaves, you see above, blanketed the way into the library.

After finding six books to check out, I headed south, to Sikes Lake, for a chilly fast walk around the lake, with a lot of fellow chilly lake walkers.

Rain fell for several hours last night, rendering the outer world wet.

Wet, to a level sufficient to cause water to spill over the Sikes Lake dam spillway, in pseudo waterfall mode. 

More rain is on the menu for tonight. 

Right now, I'm going to warm up with a bowl of Chili Verde I made in the Instant Pot this morning.

I think I got the jalapeno level to high, which may render the Chili Verde to be much more of a warming up experience than I was looking for...

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