Sunday, December 18, 2022

Merry Christmas From Joey, Monique & Hank Frank

This time of year, I eagerly anticipate opening my mailbox and finding envelopes with Christmas cards in them.

Yesterday's mailbox check rendered the first incoming Christmas card of this Christmas card season.

That is what you see, above, in photo mode.

Merry Christmas from my Favorite Nephew Joey, Joey's first wife, Monique, and Joey and Monique's first born, Henry, also known as Hank Frank.

Looking at the card, it looks like Hank Frank has taken up the Jones family clam digging tradition.

It looks like Hank Frank's paternal parental unit is on a boat.

Joey likes to fish for salmon. A few years ago Joey mailed me some of his smoked salmon. Best smoked salmon I have ever had.

I do not know where Hank Frank's maternal parental unit is, on the card, but it looks cold.

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