Friday, December 2, 2022

David & Theo Enjoying Snowy Day In Tacoma

This afternoon I asked David, Theo & Ruby's maternal parental unit if the kids were having another snow day. They aren't, but Ruby stayed home today due to having a cold.

The aforementioned maternal parental unit sent a link to a video on the Tacoma News Tribune. In the video you see Theo trying to get on a sled with two other kids, Nica and Cora. I was also told I would see David in the background in an orange jacket.

It took a couple viewings til I figured out which was David, and which was Theo trying to get on a sled.

When I thought I saw David, I paused the video to make the screen cap you see below.

While I was making that screen cap that aforementioned maternal parental unit emailed a screen cap from the News Tribune article, which shows the same thing I screen capped, but with David missing.

David is not a fan of sledding. But, he does like making snowmen. 

Click the link to see the See people enjoying a snowy day in Tacoma after an overnight snowfall video.

Sure would be fun to play in the snow with David, Theo and Ruby. That'd likely be almost as much fun as making sand castles with the Tacoma Trio...

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