Thursday, November 3, 2022

Quest To Find Fort Worth's Most Iconic Skyscraper

No, that which you see here is not the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Wichita Falls, population 102,988. What you see here is the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, population 935,508.

This morning's Fort Worth Star-Telegram asks the following question regarding the skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.
This question appeared in an article titled POLL: What is Fort Worth’s most iconic skyscraper? These 6 are the city’s tallest.

The article in its entirety...

When you think about Fort Worth’s skyline, is there one tower that is most iconic? These are the six tallest buildings in downtown (well, technically seven, but we’re counting the City Center’s sister towers as one). Which best represents Fort Worth? The concrete Brutalism of Burnett Plaza, the city’s tallest building? Maybe the sleek glass Modernism of the newer high rises?

Methinks the Star-Telegram might need to familiarize itself with what iconic means....

Definition of iconic
1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon. 2a : widely recognized and well-established an iconic brand name. b : widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence an iconic writer a region's iconic wines.

The only thing in Fort Worth which comes remotely close to being iconic is the Fort Worth Stockyards sign.

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