Sunday, November 27, 2022

Honolulu Thanksgiving Santa With Spencer Jack & Jason

Three photos in my email box this last Sunday morning of the 2022 version of November. With the photos there was the following explanatory text...

Hello FUD --

Spencer and I kept checking our mailbox and phones for a Turkey invite. 

After no such luck, we moved southwest to our favorite winter destination.

Talked to Santa today. He said he would 'consider' moving me off the naughty list.    

Watched the best Xmas parade last night with half of the island.  Lots of marching bands all playing Christmas tunes.  

So that's good.

Hope you are doing well, staying safe, healthy and warm in TX.

I think you would love it here. We sure do. Maybe someday you can join us.


For those not familiar with what the initials FUD and FNJ represent, FUD is Favorite Uncle Durango, FNJ is Favorite Nephew Jason. I have two FNJs, with the second being FNJ1s little brother, Joey, aka FNJ2.

It sure would be fun to be in Hawaii with FNJ and his replica, Spencer Jack. I think that rock formation behind Jason in the above photo is known as Diamond Head, the remains of a long dormant volcano.

And here we see Spencer Jack trying to stay out of the sun so as to avoid getting suntanned. 

My current location is somewhat looking like the scenery in these three photos from Hawaii, in that blue sky has returned after yesterday's day long gray sky with constant dripping.

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