Monday, November 7, 2022

Beto For Governor Yard Sign Theft Results In Armed Gun Threat

Saw that which you see here, this morning, on Facebook. One of my Facebook friends had her Beto for Governor sign stolen from her yard. Stolen by a neighbor, who slashed and sprayed the sign before installing it in his yard.

This is what my Facebook friend said about this troubling incident....

"Someone in my neighborhood, stole my Beto sign. They slashed it in 2, spray painted on it and stuck it in their own yard. I knew it was my sign because I had fixed the stand yesterday. I went to confront the person-my neighbor, and he pulled a gun on me. Stay safe y’all."

I sure hope the Republicans get their richly deserved comeuppance tomorrow, and not the Red Tsunami the Republicans seemed to think is about to hit us tomorrow...

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