Thursday, October 20, 2022

Washington Air Quality Worst In The World

The past several days I have been hearing from multiple people in the Pacific Northwest zone reporting that the smoke from multiple wildfires is the likes of which no one has previously experienced in the lowlands of Western Washington.

The above screen cap is from an email from my Favorite Nephew Jason, subject line: "Struggling for fresh air in the PNW" with email's text saying...

"DO NOT travel to Birch Bay today.  Whatcom County has the worst air quality on the entire planet right now.  We are being advised to stay indoors today.   I have already sneezed many times this morning".

I had not planned on traveling to Birch Bay today. 

And then, yesterday, Linda Lou sent this to my phone...

With text saying, "On the Francis Road headed toward Mount Vernon: a view of our smoked filled valley. It is very bad".

And then we have this screen cap from today's online version of the Seattle Times.

One of the links goes to an article titled "Seattle air quality among worst in world."

In all my years living in Western Washington I recollect many wildfires in the Cascades. I do not remember those wildfires ever resulting in thick smoke reaching the flatlands of the Puget Sound zone.

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