Sunday, October 23, 2022

Strong Wind Grounds Sikes Lake Geese Population

On this next to last Sunday of the 2022 version of October, a cold front is moving into town, with wind gusting around 45 mph.

The temperature drop is scheduled to arrive later today, along with some rain and thunderstorming.

So, it was to Sikes Like I took myself for some high speeding leaning into the gusting wind. 

The Sikes Lake geese appear to be a bit traumatized, and grounded, by the strong wind. In the photo documentation it appears the geese are having a meeting, trying to decide what to do about the shrinking lake, pondering if maybe they should fly to some new roosting grounds, once the wind dies down.

I can not remember when we last had a strong thunderstorm at my location. In previous years such happened frequently. 

The cold has not yet arrived. It is 84 in the outer world, right now, coming up on 2 in the afternoon...

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