Monday, October 31, 2022

Perfect Wichita Bluff Nature Area Conditions With Washington License Plates

With weather conditions near perfect, on this last day of the 2022 version of October, also known as Halloween, I took myself to the west entry to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area for some salubrious acquisition of endorphins via fast paced hill hiking.

As you can see, there is a little cloud action, rendering it not a totally clear blue-sky day.

That covered picnic pavilion you see here is my turn around point when I hike the Bluffs from the west.

This is also the high point of the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

Heading home, after the Bluff hiking, I saw something I have rarely seen in Texas, that I used to see all the time when I lived in Washington.

A car with a Washington state license plate.

I do not know why zooming in on the license plate caused the water drops effect. I suspect my windshield is in need of being washed.

Washington has not changed its license plate design since the celebration of the centennial of Washington becoming a state in 1889.

That mountain you can almost see on the license plate is Washington's biggest volcano, Mount Rainier.

The current primary Texas license plate is plain black and white. And has changed several times since I've been in Texas.

I don't know why Texas does not have a license plate with the biggest volcano in Texas on it...

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