Sunday, October 9, 2022

Lucy Park Close Encounter With Imaginary Snake

Yesterday, at Lucy Park, I was way under dressed, shivering in shorts. I bailed on the walking after about ten minutes. And as soon as I got back to my vehicle rain began dripping in semi-copious amounts. First rain in a long time.

Today, on this second Sunday of the 2022 version of October, it was back to Lucy Park I went. 

The outer world was chilled to 67 degrees. And today I managed to be over dressed in sweatpants and long sleeve t-shirt.

No rain dripped today.

But, as I was walking quickly along, ahead of me I saw what looked to be a big snake. Which is what you see in the middle of the above photo documentation, on the left side of the trail.

My instinctual reaction said snake ahead. My rational reaction quickly said it is too cold for a snake to be slithering around.

It turned to be nothing more sinister than a stick, a tree limb fallen from a tree...

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