Tuesday, October 25, 2022

High Tide At Sikes Lake With Happy Geese

The sky has returned to being totally blue at my North Texas location, after being gray most of yesterday. 

The incoming rain dropped enough wet stuff to have water spilling over the spillway of the Sikes Lake dam. 

That incoming rain came in with a cold front with chilled in the 40s, last night, was warmed to only 58 degrees when I drove to Sikes Lake this morning.

It did not seem like enough rain rained down to fill Sike Lake back to full pool. But, apparently it did drip enough.

The former low tide tideflats are now back covered by a high tide. The geese seemed to be enjoying floating again, without their goose feet scraping the lake bottom.

I Googled "goose feet" to see what goose feet are actually called, and learned the proper term is pes anserinus.

Yes, I can see how pes anserinus would easily be the common term one would use when referring to goose feet.

Even colder temperatures are on the menu later in the week. Into the 30s. I need to go on my annual long underwear hunt...

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