Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Breezy Return To Cool Lucy Park With Hillbillies


Clouds have again left town, leaving a bright blue sky behind, with a wind blowing around 30 miles per hour, with a temperature in the 70s, making for a pleasant return to Lucy Park, to commune with nature via fast walking a few miles through the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

In the photo documentation, the reddish brown that you see on the right is dirt, with the trail passing over it. The reddish brown you see on the left is the Wichita River, with the only thing passing over it, for quite a few miles, is a pedestrian suspension bridge.

The pleasant weather brings out alot more people than when the local weather is in sauna steam bath mode. This pleasant period will not last long, before being way too cold becomes the norm.

This morning I got an odd thing from Virginia, via Madame McNutty.

Apparently the McNutter has been tinkering with making this year's Christmas card. Seems way too early, to me, to be fussing about such things.

I guess it is sort of cute, Jed, Granny, Jethro and Ellie May, being the Appomattox Hillbillies.

I am certain of the identity of only one of the Hillbillies, as that is clearly Madame McNutty being Granny Clampett. The McNutty resemblance to that loveable TV character is uncanny.

I have spoken to the 2022 version of Granny McNutty on the phone a few times of late, to find that her voice is also very Granny Clampettish....

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