Thursday, September 15, 2022

Week Til Fall Wilting Lucy Park Jungle Visit

With the outer world temperature nearing 90, well before noon, on this third Thursday of the 2022 version of September, I ventured back to Lucy Park for some shady fast walking in the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

On recent walks through the Lucy Park backwoods jungle I have made note of the fact that the Lucy Park tall grass had sprouted taller and greener than I remember seeing it previously.

With fall falling a week from now, I guess it makes sense that the Lucy Park tall grass is now shrinking, wilting and turning brown, as photo documented above.

Or it may be the lack of much rain of late which may be causing the jungle to whither and the green to fade. 

With only one week remaining of summer, unless I come across something slithering soon, this will be the first summer since I have been in Texas that I have not had a single snake encounter.

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