Monday, September 5, 2022

Google Looks Back At My Labor Day Memories

 Of late the daily Google look back at my memories from this day have been a bit nutty, as in I have no memory of what Google is suggesting is something I would remember.

But, on this Labor Day of 2022, I do remember most of the memories Google is suggesting I remember, though none of what I remember happened on Labor Day.

The upper left was an elk herd we came across on the way to Ocean Shores, on the Washington Pacific coast, in August of 2001. Dad was driving, mom riding shotgun, me in the back seat. 

To the right of the elk herd I am assuming that is me laying on the dock, but where or when, I do not remember.

Below that is a group photo of a herd of my relatives, at a family reunion on July 27, 2002, in Lynden, at the fairgrounds.

Below that reunion photo, on the left, that is a cropped off picture of dad and mom, at the aforementioned Ocean Shores, on that same day we saw the large elk herd.

Next to mom and dad I assume we are looking at a Texas county courthouse, but which county, or when, I do not remember.

There must be some way to stop these daily memories from Google...

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