Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Fort Worth Style Outdoor Plumbing Arrives Overnight At Wichita Falls Lucy Park

This morning I drove a senior citizen to two pharmacies, the library, and Lucy Park. 

Upon arrival at the Lucy Park log cabin/swimming pool parking lot I was surprised to see something I've not seen in any of the Wichita Falls city parks, which were a common feature I was frequently appalled by in the city parks of Fort Worth.

Outhouses, in Fort Worth city parks with zero modern facilities.

Fort Worth, a town where modern plumbing is such a novelty that multiple saloon and restaurant venues in Fort Worth's only tourist attraction, the Fort Worth Stockyards, have signage letting customers know they have indoor plumbing.

Here is an example of such, at a music venue called Big Balls of Cowtown.

Live Music, Modern Swing, Indoor Plumbing, Air Conditioning and more...

Long ago I made a webpage titled Indoor Plumbing in the Stockyards. Click the link to see more goofy examples of businesses touting to their potential customers that they have indoor plumbing.

Every once in a while, there will be an article in a Fort Worth publication bemoaning the trouble Fort Worth has attracting corporations to locate in Fort Worth. I think I have pointed out a time or two that it might not make a good impression on corporation re-locaters to see city parks with outhouses, and no running water. And so many streets without sidewalks. And a primitive public transportation system.

Anyway, back to those outhouses showing up in Lucy Park. Since yesterday a temporary tent structure has showed up, along with a roped off area, and signs with numbers on them, such as 1K, 2K, indicating some sort of running event is about to take place in Lucy Park.

Apparently, with so many running that the two Lucy Park modern restroom facilities needed outhouses added to handle the expected crowd...

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