Sunday, August 21, 2022

Texas Cold Front Chills To 76 Degrees With Thunder & Rain

Rain has arrived, along with some thunder thumping. And a much anticipated break from day after day after day after day of being way too HOT, way too often over 100 degrees HOT.

So far, not enough rain has dripped to put an end to the drought, but it looks like, maybe, according to the forecast, by Thursday the current drought may be over.

When rain falls in copious amounts, at my location, a sort of moat forms, surrounding my abode, making exiting to the outdoors a bit of a challenge. So far, that has not happened. 

Flash flooding is also on the current weather menu. That takes rain in copious amounts, which, as previously mentioned, has not yet happened.

Currently, at the moment, nothing is dripping from the sky. If that continues to be the case I see a visit to the Wichita Bluffs Nature Area in my future on this third Sunday of the 2022 version of August.

The Wichita Bluffs Nature Area is pretty much void of any shade, hence avoiding that location when it is way too HOT...

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