Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hot Humid Hike Through Lucy Park Jungle

Last night a thunderstorm dropped a few drips of rain. By dawn's early light, most of those drips had dried up.


Even though a cold front dropped the temperatures a few degrees, into the low 90s, those raindrops dropping last night amped up the humidity. So, 92 degrees feels way warmer than the relatively chilly 92 degrees should feel.

So, thinking the cooler temperature, and not yet cognizant of the humidity, I drove to Lucy Park for what I thought would be some pleasant nature communing.

I thought wrong. It was HOT.

I walked the Lucy Park undeveloped backwoods jungle section, warily with an eye for anything slithering. I saw zero reptilian activity, not even little lizards.

The photo at the top was taken deep into the Lucy Park jungle.

I have not yet seen a single snake slither this year. Maybe that ultra-deep freeze, below zero, two winters ago, killed off the snake population.

Possible thunderstorming is on the weather menu for today. So far I have heard no rumbles, and the sky is mostly blue.

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