Thursday, August 4, 2022

Hank Frank Visiting Grandpa Jake In Washington

I text messaged my little brother this morning, wondering if he was still in Washington, enjoying that zone's heat wave, or back in Arizona enjoying that zone's heat wave, and recent dust storm.

Quick came a reply telling me my little brother is still up in Washington, and is in no hurry to return to the Valley of the Relentless Sun.

I then asked if my little brother was somewhere in the Skagit Valley, or elsewhere.

The reply to that probing question was an address on Beaver Marsh Road, in the Skagit Flats.

Seeing that address I then knew my little brother was staying in the Jones Family Compound, in nephew Jason's house, next to nephew Joey's house.

Which is also where Hank Frank lives.

After I replied saying, oh, you're currently living next door to Hank Frank. And asked if he was having fun playing with Hank Frank, who is my little brother's youngest grandson, the next text informed me that Hank Frank drives over for a visit, frequently.

That final text message included the composite photo you see above, with on the left we see Hank Frank doing the aforementioned driving to visit grandpa, followed by his walking mother, Monique. 

I do not know where Hank Frank is in the photo on the right. Inside grandpa Jake's temporary domicile, or at home in his own domicile. I suspect the answer is the latter....

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