Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Dry Bike Wheel Rolling To Freshly Filled Sikes Lake

Today, on the next to last Wednesday of the 2022 version of August, my bike took me, eventually, to Sikes Lake, where I was pleased to see the Sikes Lake Bayou, which you see above, and the rest of Sikes Lake, back at its full pool glory.

The temperature was in the low 80s when I did the wheel rolling, with little wind, and some clouds blocking the sun, at times. Quite pleasant weather conditions for outdoor activity.

Last Saturday I was at Sikes Lake when it was still in desert mode. This was blogged about in Saturday at Drought Dry Sikes Lake.

Quite a difference a few drops of rain make.

The above scene was a desert landscape on Saturday. Today that former desert was a giant mirror.

When I was at Sikes Lake on Saturday, for a walk around, not a bike around, the geese and ducks were seeming subdued, just sitting on the ground, under shade. I think they were being unhappy about their dried up lake.

I have never previously heard the Sikes Lake geese and ducks as noisy with the honking and quacking as was the case today. And they were not sitting. They were in a frenzy of chasing each other. Methinks it was some sort of celebration party...

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