Monday, August 29, 2022

Cloudy Stormy Outlook At Wichita Falls Walmart

What you are seeing here is the view, looking east, across the hood of my vehicle, sitting in a Walmart parking lot, a few minutes before 6 in the late afternoon of the final Tuesday of the 2022 version of August.

The month of August has flown by at warp speed.

It looks like the month may be going out with a bang, if the thunderstorm forecasts are accurate.

Six months ago I was sure I was going to be spending a good chunk of July and August in the Pacific Northwest, with the highlight being sand castle building with David, Theo and Ruby at Birch Bay.

Other than visiting Texas-lite, also known as Oklahoma, I have not exited Texas since 2019.

It just does not feel as if what is known as "normal" has yet returned...

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