Saturday, August 27, 2022

A Not Hotter 'N Hell Wichita Falls Saturday Sikes Lake Bike Ride With Miss Musty

On this Hotter 'N Hell 100 weekend in Wichita Falls, Texas I opted not to roll my bike's wheels for 100 miles under the sweltering sun.

Instead, I opted for a late Saturday afternoon bike ride which eventually took me to Sikes Lake, and the Sikes Lake Bayou, at the west end of the lake.

Which is what you see above.

Being at the west end of the lake, and looking west, late in the afternoon, explains the effect the sun is having on the scene.

On the opposite side of Sikes Lake, as in the east side, looking west, I stopped at my usual shady spot for a drink of water. However, at this time of day, the sun renders the shade no more. My bike's handlebars are aimed at a small Hoodoo Cairn. Several of these have sprouted up of late.

Earlier today I got in my Google App Move Minutes by walking in Walmart whilst pushing a cart. 

Leaving Walmart this morning I got Miss Musty on the phone and had an amusing chat whilst I returned to my home zone.

Miss Musty sounds like a name for an elderly librarian...

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