Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Where Are Ruby, David & Theo?

In my email this morning I found this photo of the Tacoma Trio, Ruby, David and Theo.

There was no explanatory text in the email.

The email's subject line said, "Where in the (not) PNW?".

Methinks the subject line would be more accurate if it said, "We are not in PNW!".

With fairly frequent frequency I am emailed photos and asked to guess where in the Pacific Northwest Ruby, David and Theo are.

I correctly guess about half the time.

In today's instance I am fairly certain the Tacoma Trio are nowhere in the Pacific Northwest.

I think the above photo was taken in the other Washington, the one on the east coast, the one whose full name is Washington, District of Columbia, or Washington, D.C. for short.

I suspect I will be seeing photos of Ruby, David and Theo visiting the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Capitol Building and other locations.

At least I hope I will be seeing such photos...

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