Sunday, July 3, 2022

Blistering Day After Day Over 100 In Texas

I do not recollect this happening prior in my years in Texas.

Day after day after day predicted to get to 100 degrees HOT or HOTTER.

I think I will be going to the 4th of July Parade tomorrow morning in downtown Wichita Falls.

One can easily find a parade viewing location in the shadow cast by a tall building.

The Wichita Falls 4th of July Parade has been cancelled the last two 4th of July's due to COVID. 

I have watched the Wichita Falls 4th of July Parade every 4th that it has paraded since I've been in Wichita Falls.

It is an entertaining parade.

Kids arrive with bags to carry all the candy that get tossed their way by passing paraders. It is a spectacle of flying candy.

I heard a couple firecrackers crack around midnight, last night, but, other than that, so far, no loud explosions...

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