Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Back Biking To Hamilton Park Splash Pad

Til today, it has been quite some time since I let my bike roll me anywhere.

Today, an hour before noon, my bike began rolling me north on the Circle Trail, exiting the Circle Trail in Hamilton Park by the Splash Pad, which is what you see my bike's handlebars pointing towards in the photo documentation.

There was some wind blowing, which made the 99 degrees feel a bit cooler. Combining the wind speed with the bike speed, the wind chill factor makes those 99 degrees feel like only 96 degrees. Give or take a degree, or two.

Of late my aerobic exercise of choice has been high speed walking. Such is much more relaxing and comfortable than sitting on a bike seat pedaling.

I think maybe I will be keeping bike riding on hold til cooler temperatures return, and instead continue going on shady high speed walks for my endorphin acquisition...

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