Saturday, June 18, 2022

Not Taking Off Clothes Pickle Balling In Texas

I saw that which you see here, yesterday, on Facebook, and wondered why anyone would want to do this.

Or watch this.

The Pickle Ball fad has made its way to Texas. I doubt the clothing optional version has made it to Texas.

My Arizona sister and her first husband are avid Pickle Ballers. I am almost 100% certain my Arizona sister and her first husband have not participated in a clothing optional version of Pickle Ball.

Way back in January of 2018 I was in Arizona for 21 long days. Mom and I got her a transit chair to wheel mom around on. My sister and her first husband were playing in a Pickle Ball Tournament, in, if I remember right, Mesa. Mom and I were spectators, which was rendered doable due to that transit chair.

Watching Pickle Ball is entertaining, even with the Pickle Ballers properly clothed.

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