Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Mystery Postcard From Birch Bay Washington

Above is the front and back of a postcard which arrived in my mailbox yesterday, sent by a mystery sender.

Spencer Jack and Hank Frank's grandpa, Jake, who is also my little brother, is currently escaping the HEAT of Arizona by visiting his old home zone of Washington.

But, the handwriting on this postcard does not look like brother Jake's.

There is some element of wanton cruelty in sending me a Birch Bay postcard.

Up til a month or two ago I was fairly sure I would be having a get together this summer with the majority of my siblings, at Birch Bay, a long planned event that was thwarted by COVID.

And now, this summer of 2002, other issues arose which back burnered going north to Washington to Birch Bay.

I don't think this postcard was sent by the Tacoma Trio and their parental units. It's not their style. That and they have been totally pre-occupied with issues in their Tacoma domicile, which makes it unlikely they have ventured as far north as Birch Bay.

I am sure I will eventually solve this mystery, perhaps via handwriting analysis...

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