Wednesday, June 15, 2022

I Went To School With Archie Bunker

I saw that which you see here on Facebook.

A YouTube video from All in the Family, where Archie Bunker makes an Editorial Rebuttal on a New York City local TV news show.

I watched this and something dawned on me that had not previously dawned on me. Some people who were school classmates of mine have become modern era equivalents of Archie Bunker.

With me reacting to the nonsense they spew the same way Archie's son-in-law, Michael, and daughter, Gloria, react to Archie's ignorant nonsense.

I have lost track of the number of times I have been appalled by idiotic ignorant nonsense I read on Facebook coming from people who went to the same school I did, but somehow ended up with a different education.

Anyway, you can watch this amusing Archie Bunker All in the Family YouTube clip below...

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