Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Juneteenth Father's Day

I really do not like how it seems to be that time is flying by faster all the time.

Hard to believe it has been five years since I had a Father's Day McDonald's Buffet with my dear ol' dad.

At that point in time I blogged about that particular Father's Day in Dad's Father's Day McDonald's Buffet With Uncle Mooch & Tillie.

A screen cap of such is what you see above, with dad staring at the camera whilst holding one of his McDonald's favorites, likely an Egg McMuffin.

Today is the first time the new Juneteenth holiday and Father's Day are happening on the same day.

I had a nice HOT Father's Day hike in Lucy Park this morning, feeling a bit melancholy. So much has happened and changed since five years ago today. And before you know it, another five years will fly by...

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