Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day At Lucy Park

With the Mother's Day temperature five degrees shy of being 100, it was to Lucy Park I drove to have myself a shady commune with nature.

There were few fellow Mother's Day celebrators celebrating Mother's Day at Lucy Park whilst I was there.

Plenty of shaded picnic tables available.

Later today the temperature is scheduled to hit 103. 

So far the air conditioner seems to be doing a good job at keeping my abode cool.

I did not walk the Lucy Park backwoods zone today.

The picture you see above is from the non-backwoods zone of Lucy Park. The undergrowth in the backwoods zone is now thick enough for snakes to slither unseen. And with the temperature being HOT the cold blooded reptiles get frisky.

I am not a fan of frisky snakes...

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