Friday, April 22, 2022

Windy Sikes Lake Walk With Goslings

Yesterday, after communing with nature at Sikes Lake I mentioned that the geese and ducks were acting frisky.

And that baby goslings and ducklings would be appearing soon.

Well. Soon turned out to be today. Can you spot the pair of goslings above? Guarded by their hissing honking maternal parental unit.

Let's go for a closer look...

I have never been at Sikes Lake and seen a mama goose sitting on eggs, waiting for them to hatch. I have no idea where the maternity ward might be. There is not a lot of cover surrounding Sikes Lake. It is mostly open with, a few bushes that a hatchling might hatch under.. 

No blue sky over my area of Texas today. Total cloud cover. With strong wind blowing extremely gusty at time. Rain on the menu for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ding dong the witch is dead
