Thursday, April 7, 2022

Wichita Falls Troubled Bridge Over Peacefull Water Nearly Restored

On this latest day of my ongoing daily, seemingly apparent, recreation of the Groundhog Day movie, where it almost seems as if I live a version of the same day, over and over again, with some days there seeming to be some slight difference.

Or improvement.

On this first Thursday of the 2022 version of April, it was back to Lucy Park for some high wind communing with nature via fast walking for a few dozen minutes.

A change today at Lucy Park was seeing that the rehabilitation of the Lucy Park Suspension Bridge bridge deck is completed. Awaiting the installation of new side guards to keep bridge walkers from falling into the roiling waters of the Wichita River.

This extensive restoration of this major crossing of the Wichita River is taking place over actual water.

In Wichita Falls we do not wait for the river to go dry to do anything bridge-wise, you know, to imaginarily save time and money, like some other Texas towns, well, one Texas town, is known to do.

You can see above that the Lucy Park forest floor is getting ever more green, day by day. Soon one will not be able to see through the forest of trees.

Time is flying by so fast. April will be gone in an eye blink. Then May. Then the arrival of Summer.

A few months ago I was just about 100% I would be heading northwest this Summer, to return to Washington for the first time since Summer of 2017.  There was a reunion I felt sort of like attending, but that seems to have morphed into something I can't see the point of going to the bother of attending.

I may change my mind, which I have a tendency to do. Of late I am thinking if I am going to subject myself to being on a plane I would like the destination to be some place tropical. 

I hear good things about Bora Bora. And Singapore...

1 comment:

  1. Meanwhile, back in Fort Worth, the bridge at Oakland Lake, still awaits its repair. But it's only been 3 years.....
