Friday, April 15, 2022

Upgraded Lucy Park Suspension Bridge Open To Traffic

The Lucy Park Suspension Bridge renovation is completed, with the bridge now open to traffic wanting to cross over the Wichita River.   

I am not sure I like the new version of side rails, what with it being three cables about a foot apart.

The swaying on the bridge whilst crossing seemed more active than the pre-renovation version. Seems like a little dog could manage to fall off the bridge edge. Or a crawling toddler.     

Another extremely windy day today. Perhaps that added to the bridge's swaying action. Gusts reaching almost 50 mph. The temperature high today is predicted to be in the 90s. The wind should make 90 feel not so HOT. 

The spacebar on my keyboard went haywire this morning, making for an early visit to Walmart to get a keyboard replacement.  It did not occur to me I could use the laptop keyboard which is sitting right in front of me.

I worry these type incidents are indicative of developing dementia. ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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