Friday, April 1, 2022

This Morning My Calendar Took Me To Arches National Park With Wanda


I flipped my wall calendar to the new month of April this morning to find this month's featured National Park is Arches National Park, in Utah.

I had been to all the other Utah National Parks before finally visiting Arches after having been to Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef and Canyonlands National Parks.

All the Utah National Parks are scenic wonderlands, with great hiking. Hike-wise, I think Arches is my favorite, due to the ranger guided Fiery Furnace Hike

On Utah license plates you see Delicate Arch being the symbol of Utah. You do not need a ranger to guide you on the hike to Delicate Arch. The hike to Delicate Arch may be my all time favorite hike.

Let me see if I can find one of the photos I took of Delicate Arch, which turned out to be one of my all time favorite photos.

Found it...

That would be Wanda the Washingtonian next to me, with Delicate Arch behind us.

This photo was taken by my now antique Casio digital camera, which had the ability to take what are now known as selfies, before phones made that practice ubiquitous.

Seeing Arches National Park this morning sure makes me want to once again gaze upon a scenic wonderland. I have not gazed upon a scenic wonderland for over three years, with the scenic wonderland of Arizona being what I gazed upon at that point in time...

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