Thursday, April 28, 2022

New Lucy Park Possible Art Installation Mysteries

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured on this last Thursday of the 2022 version of April. As you can see via the photo documentation it is a cloudy day today, heading towards thunderstorming predicted in a few hours.

The art installation you see above arrived since I last visited Lucy Park. Along with some wooden structures, sort of scaffolding-like. And large piles of dirt. No clue what is underway at Lucy Park.

A steady wind was not vexing today. But there were some troublesome gusts, one of which blew off my head covering.

The BIG news in my neighborhood, which I learned of this morning, is a new grocery store will soon open a short distance from my abode. This will likely drastically change my regular routine, which consists of going to Walmart way too often.

It's the little things that can cheer a person up, sometimes...

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