Monday, April 11, 2022

Multiple Monday Lucy Park Bridge Closures

It was back to Lucy Park my motorized motion device took me on this second Tuesday of April, a day destined to be heated into the 80s.

As you can clearly see, above, the Lucy Park Suspension Bridge remains closed. The bridge deck has been totally replaced. After new side railing is installed, the bridge should be back open to traffic.

With the Lucy Park bridge across the Wichita River, closed, the Circle Trail which passes by the west entry to the bridge has also added a closure since the last visit to Lucy Park.

It is easy to get around the CLOSED TRAIL. The closure was caused by damage to a wooden bridge which crosses a shallow gulley. The railing on the left, which inhibited falling into the Wichita River, is missing. The bridge deck also looked in need of replacement.

From the TRAIL CLOSED sign it is about a half mile to Wichita Falls, that being the manmade waterfall, made by man to provide an answer to tourists asking where the waterfall in Wichita Falls is located.

Making an artificial waterfall is sort of a version of what Fort Worth did after decades of confusing that town's few tourists with signage pointing to Sundance Square, where there was no square, til finally turning a parking lot into a little square, called Sundance Square Plaza.

So, that has been my exciting Monday, so far...

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