Sunday, April 17, 2022

Lucy Park Easter Bridge Suspense With Alligator Alley


It was back to Lucy Park I ventured, in the noon timeframe, on this Easter Sunday of 2022, joining throngs of fellow Easterites enjoying a perfect temperature in the 60s, with zero wind blowing.

In the above photo documentation we are standing in the middle of the renovated Lucy Park Suspension Bridge, looking south at the mighty Wichita River

Yesterday, at Lucy Park, I shivered as I fast walked trying to warm up. A day later and there was no shivering, whilst wearing pretty much the same outerwear.

For lunch today I made that Easter staple of chicken rice tomato soup, with whole wheat grilled cheese sandwiches. For dessert I had an orange.

After taking that photo from the middle of the bridge, I continued on to the east bank. 

From the east bank I eventually reached Alligator Alley and then found a trail to the edge of the river for a view of the suspension bridge as a couple kids tentatively made their way across, unnerved by the swaying bounciness.

When I made my way back to the bridge, to cross back into Lucy Park, there were four more people making the crossing. The semi-elderly pair of the four seemed real nervous, with grandma tightly clutching the top cable as she meekly made her way across. While they crossed I stayed stationary so as to not increase the swaying into even more of a Galloping Gertie mode.

Galloping Gertie was the nickname given the first Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge. Bad design caused that bridge to oscillate severely when a strong wind blew through the Narrows. One day Galloping Gertie galloped so severely that it destroyed itself, crashing into the saltwater below.

I suspect the Lucy Park Suspension Bridge will never come to a tragic end like the first Tacoma Narrows bridge did...

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