Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Celebrating Easter In Fort Worth With Jesus & The KKK

The screen cap from today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram, which you see above, is a variant of our patented theme of seeing something in an online west coast news source that one would not expect to see in a Texas online news source.

Usually, the west coast news source is the Seattle Times, with the Texas news source being the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

In today's case it is seeing something in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, about something in Fort Worth, that one would not expect to see in the Seattle Times about a similar thing in Seattle.

If I remember correctly, the Ku Kluz Klan was active in Fort Worth as recently as the 1960s. 

Methinks finding oneself seeing a group like this in person would be scary, almost as scary as finding oneself facing a group of Nazi Gestapo.

Or a group of Putin Russians...

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