Monday, January 3, 2022

The Return Of Temperature Way Above Freezing Is A Mood Elevator

On this 3rd day of the new year the outer world warmed up enough that I was able to venture outside without taking extraordinary measures, such as yesterday's backalava, with excessive long underwear.

After a quick trip to the library I continued on to Lucy Park for some fast walking nature communing.

I tried to take a sour dour selfie, but could not muster my usual sour dourness due to being under a bright blue sky with the holiday season fading into history.

And tomorrow we hit a high of almost 70. This current bout of Winter did not last too long.

Another look, without me in it, of the Circle Trail meandering through Lucy Park next to the Wichita River.

That bit of brownish green in the center of the above photo is the aforementioned Wichita River. That slash of white to the right of the brownish green is some shaded remaining snow, waiting to be melted.

My New Year's Resolution so far remain on track. Those being to eat even healthier, get even more exercise, lose even more weight and to visit Washington this Summer...

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