Monday, January 31, 2022

Semi-HOT Last Day Of January Lucy Park Walk

On this final day of the 2022 version of January I went on an almost hot walk at Lucy Park, after a downtown library visit.

When I began the park stroll the temperature 69. By time I made it back to my vehicle's air-conditioning, the temperature was 74.

Back in my old zone of Western Washington, a 74 degree day, in Summer, would be considered almost unbearably HOT.

There were a few disc golfing groups doing the disc golfing thing. And one solo disc golfer, he being the one you see in black heading toward the big tree. Along with the disc golfers there were a couple clusters of pecan pickers.

Tomorrow is currently scheduled to be semi-HOT for the first day of February.

And then on Wednesday we go into the deep freeze, down to almost zero....

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