Monday, December 13, 2021

Whole Lotta Lucy Park Walking With Bad Taco Bueno Memories

After a morning of dealing with the relative insanity, along with oodles of annoying Nutty whining, I found myself in Lucy Park about an hour before noon. The temperature at the Lucy Park time of the day was in the 60s, with no wind.

T-shirt temperature, so off came the sweatshirt.

Lucy Park has miles of trails, part of which is the Circle Trail which trails all around Wichita Falls. There are multiple other trails in Lucy Park, so one can take a variety of routes to get in a few miles of fast walking. 

Today I opted for what I call the Whole Lotta Loop. I call this loop thusly because way back during the lockdown period of the quarantine, when we were encouraged to help local restaurants stay afloat by buying takeout, I went through the Taco Bueno drive thru and got what they call a Whole Lotta Box. 

I then drove that Whole Lotta Box to Lucy Park to enjoy the worst Mexican food, ever, whilst sitting at the covered sheltered you see above, overlooking the Wichita River.

Someday I am hoping the painful memory of that Whole Lotta Box will fade and I can be at this location without thinking of stale tortilla chips, runny salsa, coagulated refried beans, blah burritos, and flavorless tacos...

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