Thursday, December 30, 2021

Lake Wichita Park Remembering Vietnam War Veterans Struggling Through The Brush

It was to Lake Wichita Park I ventured for today communing with nature and the natural acquisition of relaxing endorphins gained from aerobic stimulation.

That and to check out the new Vietnam War Veteran's memorial which has risen between Mount Wichita (also known as Murphy's Hill) and Lake Wichita.

I believe, total acreage-wise, Lake Wichita Park is larger than Lucy Park. But sees fewer visitors. Like Lucy Park, the Circle Trail runs through Lake Wichita Park. And there is a gravel trail which sort of goes around the perimeter of the park. But, there is no maze of trails, such as what one finds at Lucy Park.

Today, I ventured off the paved Circle Trail and made my way cross country to get in my walking miles. Now, in Summer I would not do this due to my fear of snakes. But, even though we are still being unseasonably warm, I think it is chilly enough to slow up the slithering of those cold blooded reptiles.

Above we are north of Mount Wichita, with that memorial statue on the side opposite of what you are looking at here. As you see via this photo, there is a lot of open space in Lake Wichita Park. There are also several ballfields of the football, soccer and baseball sort. There is a dog park. A rocket launching pad. An airstrip for model airplanes. Various children's playground items, like slides and swings and such. Oh, and a disc golf course.

Here I am out of the open area and trying to make my way through brush trying to get to Little Lake Wichita, the pond which the Circle Trail goes by, with Lake Wichita on one side, and Little Lake Wichita on the other side.

I was not successful in my effort to get through the brush to Little Lake Wichita. Can you see Mount Wichita in the distance in the middle of the above photo? That sort of gives you an idea of the size of this park.

Now, that has been my excitement for this next to last day of the year. That and making broccoli salad from a recipe in a cookbook I was Xmas gifted with

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